How to change a Facebook page name in 2020?


Change a Facebook page name on the Mobile & Desktop device

How to change a Facebook page name in 2020?

It happens a lot with content creators, business persons, and marketers to change the Facebook page name as they notice they put it differently. This happens until they figure out what name would make their page best for their audience. The type of articles, banners, and videos they post make them decide to make a change in their Facebook page name.

Can you change a Facebook page name?

Yes. Changing a Facebook name is allowed even if the user has already given a name for his page. Yet there are few criteria for the user to change the Facebook page name according to the manual provided by Facebook which entails what things are prohibited for the page name. Changing the Facebook page name is way too easy following a couple of instructions through settings.

Follow the simple steps and send the Facebook page name request and they get back to you within a week's time or immediate sometimes.



How to change a Facebook Page name on a Desktop?

1. Open your Facebook Account.

2. Select the Facebook page present at left & right-hand side navigation & the one you want to change the name of.

3. On the left-hand side bottom navigation select the last option "settings".

4. Select the third option with a pencil-like symbol on the left-hand side navigation.

5. On this new interface you get to change the name of the Facebook page, with other details like

·         Description

·         Username

·         Categories

·         Contact

·         Email

·         Address

·         Location

·         Service price

·         Open hours


When all the changes are completed it automatically saves the changed data. Facebook within 2 to 4 working days sends an email notifying you whether the page request name is accepted or not.

Sometimes they reject the Facebook page name request and sometimes they accept it.

Also, they have provided a proper manual1on what page names are allowed and what are not allowed on the platform.

There are a few criteria put by Facebook on what they allow and what they don't allow users to put the name as their Facebook page.

What things are not allowed by businesses to use for their Facebook Page names?

Names with abusive words and one that affects someone's intellectual property rights are not allowed to use for a Facebook page.

The word official is not allowed if it is not an official name or brand or company name.

Also, when a verified badge is given on a Facebook page there is no longer a need to use the word officially on the page name.

If all the words are capital except for nouns if the grammar is poor with improper capital words between the words.

Example: soCial MeDia - This type is not allowed.

Various symbols & punctuation marks are not allowed.

Slogans are not allowed for example "We offer the best service in the city" - but this can be added in the about section of the page.

The geographic location name on the page is allowed and should only represent the topic name that they belong to.



How to change a Facebook page name on a Mobile device?

1.     On a mobile device open the Hamburger menu at the top right corner of the screen.

2.     Select the page that you wish to change the name of.

3.     Select "settings" at the top right corner of the page interface.

4.     Select "page info" the third option that appears from the top.

5.     Here you get to add all the page details that you wish to change and submit for its approval.



So the Conclusion lines are:

1.     Changing the Facebook page is a simple couple of steps procedure.

2.     There are few regulations from Facebook about what should be the page name and whatnot.

3.     After submitting for approval it takes time for them to approve it and sometimes they approve immediately.

4.     Steps to change the page name are the same on mobile and desktop devices only the interface is different.


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