How to Edit Mobile Videos & change the Background?

Mobile Video Editing a Complete Tutorial

How to Edit Mobile Videos & change the Background?

Video creation is a key factor for the content creators to be a successful creator.

Many of them prefer to read blogs and many of them like watching videos.

Watching videos have now become a trend on YouTube and many other social media platforms.

Some of the content creators need to prepare videos that are screen recorded on mobile.

But when the video gets prepared, there is no mobile cover over it nor there appears any fancy background.

In this tutorial am going to teach how to edit mobile videos on this free software Wondershare Filmora.

Mobile screen cover in all types

Which is the Best Video Editing Software?

Wondershare Filmora is one of the free video editing software and the best for editing videos with lots of free features it offers.

Wondershare Filmoras features are enough for any big content creator or a You Tuber to design a perfect and professional video.

This is because many video creators don't even need the premium features unless they start earning money from that particular source.

I mean it’s a bad idea of investing a lot of money in a thing which has not started your earnings yet.

In this lesson, we do a step by step procedure to edit videos on Filmora.

We will combine mobile video, mobile screen cover, and the background you want for it.


Video on How to edit mobile videos and change background?


How to Change the Background of Mobile videos on Windows?

We are using Wondershare Filmnora for editing videos that are available for free in all types of laptop devices and Computer.

You can install Wonder Share Filmora 1 in version 8 and version 9 depending upon your laptop.

Record the type of informative video on your mobile device using any mobile screen recording software.

The AZ Screen recorder that is very simple to record activities on mobile.

Once you're done with mobile recording save the video from your mobile phone to laptop.

For this, you need 3 things -

Mobile screen cover 

The Background image like table notes and coffee or any other you prefer that would best represent your video.

In this case, I have used a screenshot of my Instagram profile page.

Recorded Mobile video on your mobile screen, that explained something.

Now you need to upload all the 3 things on Wondershare Filmnora software.

For uploading a video, select import video options, and upload or you can even drag and drop the videos to it.

How to Edit Mobile Videos & change the Background?

First, select the background image you need to appear as a background to your video.

Drag that image and drop into the first Panel.

How to Edit Mobile Videos & change the Background?

Select the Mobile screen cover that best suits your device, like an apple, rectangle, and a few other different types that have a half heart shape in the middle

Select the mobile screen and drag and drop into the second panel.


So your video appearance will change as per the design.


How to Edit Mobile Videos & change the Background?

Now it is in the middle of the background so I need to drag and change its position.


Drag and place the cover as per your need.


How to Edit Mobile Videos & change the Background?

Now drag and drop the mobile recorded video on the third panel.


Mobile recorded video has a black screen on its side that we need to change.

How to Edit Mobile Videos & change the Background?

So on the mobile video third-panel select "Advanced Edit" and now you need to select "Effect".

Select for making the parts of a clip to transparent and the side black color gets disappear.

Select OK and come back to the main interface.

How to Edit Mobile Videos & change the Background?

Now you need to drag and drop the mobile video layout and fit this into the cover of the mobile screen.

How to Edit Mobile Videos & change the Background?

Now you need to extend the background and the mobile screen cover from the first 2 panels up to mobile video length.

How to Edit Mobile Videos & change the Background?

For example, in this case, my mobile video length is around 55 seconds, so I have extended the background & mobile screen cover to 55 seconds.

If you don't do this the video will not show your background neither it will show the mobile screen cover.

Add your music to your video so that your audience will get entertained and stay for a longer duration.

Keep the volume of your music to less than 10 so that your voice will be audible in full about the subject you talk about.

Once when you complete video editing, export your file and save to your computer.


More Sources:


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So the Bottom Line of this article is -

1. Select background image covers any type you like on the first panel, Mobile screen cover on the second panel & mobile video on the third.

2. Extend the length of Image background cover & mobile screen cover until mobile video length.

3. Select advance edit on mobile video and under effects select to make the parts of the clip transparent.

4. Drag and drop is everything you need to do in this tutorial.

Thanks for reading 









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