7 Simple Tips on Snap-chat Ads

How to make  Snap chat Ads?

7 Simple Tips on Snap-chat Ads to Earn Money Online

Study and Analyze Snapchat
Ads -
Image Author - Freekpik

1. Can Snap Chat Ads be worth making Money?

Snap chat has been to be proved for online marketing as one of the most leading social media platforms in the marketing world and will have a rank in the future.

This is because it’s unique app features, give a landing page opportunity on its stories and messages.

Snap chat has 229 Million¹ active users daily with 30 minutes of average time spent by snap chatter on snap chat.

2. What exactly are the snap chat ads?

7 Simple Tips on Snap-chat Ads
Types of Snapchat Ads

Snap chat offers many of its diverse features with the direct landing page options to website, affiliate or Shopify depending upon the product one is selling.

One using snap chat must have discovered in the story section regarding various types of ads occurring in the form of video, image, carousel, and app Google play notification.

Also, snap chat provides with many of awesome filters, title tags, and various other video formats one can utilize for having fun and engagement with its viewers.

Face filter option with swap and many more fun engaging filters for promoting brand awareness and products.


Social Media Creates Communities, not Markets - Don Schultz

3. What are the different types of snap chat ads?

Snap chat Ads can be discovered or created with snap chats free tool for creating a video as an Advertisement to be performed on snap chat stories in the form of 3 Different categories.

  1. Android App Install
  2. Long Form of Video Advertisement
  3. Website Landing Page with Leads

These types of ads can be performed into 6 different ways from Snap chat tool and can be designed to utilize it for an Advertisement.

  • Video Advertisement
  • Collection Advertisement
  • Story Ads
  • Face Lenses with Product Tag
  • Snap chat filters
  • Commercials

7 Simple Tips on Snap-chat Ads

4. Summary of Snap chat Ads

This ad is the most common type and can be performed in a form of carousel i.e. combining several images, single images or creating a video on the tool of snap chat.

Collection Ads ¹ are composed of a series of images showcasing products and brands and are usually 3 to 5 seconds duration giving snap chatters an option to buy or make a sale.

Story ads remain and last in the discovery section and can be compromised of images ranging from 3 to 20 and can also be a video prepared on it.

In the case of Lenses ², a portion of eyes where lenses occur should represent a brand name or logo, brand logo & name should be avoided giving in the portion or area where is it most likely to be affected by viewers on the Screen.

5. How Filters in Snap chat are Useful in Brand awareness?

7 Simple Tips on Snap-chat Ads
Brand and Products with Landing Page

Filter section allows making your brand or product in competition in the millions of brands sent to every friend out there.

Making daily exercise and efforts for making its own brand filters can generate local leads and a good brand awareness program which will generate more traffic for products or services.

This helps make your filter to appear on the snap chatters camera in the particular region you selected.

For these dimensions of the filter must be between 1080 X 2340 Pixel Image in PNG format and file size less than 300 KB.

7 Simple Tips on Snap-chat Ads

Commercial Ads
4 usually vary from 3 seconds to 180 seconds with the first 6 seconds as non-skip able with web view; long video and AR Lenses are supported for this format.

6. What are few dependencies of making Ads on Snap chat?

Although Snap chat has 229 Million active users daily most of them are youngsters and teenagers.

The niche should be properly aimed and targeted as per the majority of the population on snap chat.

For Example – Health Products like weight loss supplements are most rarely to be sold out here on snap chat.

Things that can attract youngsters like Books, magazines, video games, entertainment, puzzles, etc are mostly to be sold out on snap chat.

Although snap chat targets its audience depending upon its behavior for Ads, 20 % of the snap chat users are most likely the online purchasers or product buyers.

Also, game apps are too prone to be successful on snap chat.

Rarely e-commerce products can be purchased as the population is young and will not be interested.


7. Various Ways of Making Money on Snap chat with or without Ads

I. Affiliate Marketing with Paid Ads

Since the article is based on Ads first I would introduce you with affiliate programs that are engaged with video games and Android mobile apps that make you earn more when someone installs it.

For video Games use Razor Affiliate Program and Leprestore an affiliate program with commission rates of 10 to 20 % per sale, also there are numerous programs out there for marketing.

Use Cue Links¹ as an affiliate network for marketing android apps, and more than 150 plus affiliate-networks associated with it.

Cue links² even pay its affiliate partners with for affiliate landing page by the viewer by which it becomes easier to make some extra hard cash.

Cue links also provide code to paste on a blog or website for making more affiliate products per page automatic.


The Only Voice that's heard in Social Media is authentic one - Amanda Houck

II. Affiliate Marketing without Paid Ads

Snap chat allows users to promote their landing page.

7 Simple Tips on Snap-chat Ads

Make your own article and design banner for it using Canva 4a Thumbnail editing tool.

Usually make it in a size supported by P interest Pin in CANVA Tool 5.

Open Snap chat and scroll up, two options show up, select Camera Roll and select the designed image for your product.

Refer a couple of images and there it gives an option for attaching a landing page and text at the bottom and proceed with it.

7 Simple Tips on Snap-chat Ads

They provide an option to give some text and explanation of the article and interested people will have a desire to learn more.

It’s completely free and no charges are applicable.

Also, the story can be explored with the same design and can be sent to all of the friends to view it.



  • Finalize your Niche before proceeding towards action.
  • Analyze, work, and practice about the snap chat traffic that is on your mobile with no paid ads affiliate marketing as mentioned.
  • Start creating your design with Filter and logo on lenses usually 310 pixels from the top & bottom of the screen.
  • Start exploring snap chat stories that are free of cost.
  • Design a nice and attractive banner on CANVA.
  • Limit Ads expense and plan for profit and then next Ad


Thanks for Reading the Article.


With Best Regards


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How to Add Face book Pixel to Blogger Blog? 4


Images Author - Freepik

Information - SNAP CHAT 







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